Irwin County Jail Addition

Project Location:  

Ocilla, Georgia

Construction Completed: 


Project Elements: 

George and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Inc. was responsible for aiding in the development of the site planning as well as developing the design and construction documents for this jail addition. The final documents included the layout and design of the drainage system, grading plan, site plan, and utility plan. In addition to the construction documents and supporting detail sheets, our office also provided the necessary local and state permitting for the site planning, utility plan and drainage plan with design. Our office provided site inspection for utility construction and testing as well as stormwater system inspections. Additionally, the project included the development of the Sedimentation and Erosion Control plans according to the recently revised and adopted rules governing site development in the state of Georgia, as it pertains to stormwater runoff. We are certified and have the expertise to develop S&E phased drawings to comply with the Georgia Department of Natural Resource’s latest requirements.