Project Location:
Monticello, Fl
Construction Completed:
January 2011
Project Elements:
George and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Inc. designed and permitted the Monticello Reuse in two phases for the City of Monticello.
Phase 1 of the project consisted of the design, permitting, and construction inspection of a new heads works for a 1 MGD wastewater treatment plant. The design consisted of a new reinforced concrete, elevated headworks structure, rerouting of the influent piping from the 12” raw wastewater to the new headworks structure, a new wastewater influent screening system, and appurtenances; a new grit removal system and appurtenances; electrical system modifications, site modifications for the new headworks structure; the modification also required a WWTP permit modification from FDEP.
Phase 2 of the project consisted of the construction of a reclaimed water reuse system. The system included: a new 1,500 gpm triplex reuse pump station, excavation and construction of a 3 acre (5MG) wet weather storage pond, installation of approximately 3,500 LF 12- inch force main, installation of an automated control system at the remote sites utilizing Remote Terminal Units and integration into an existing S.C.A.D.A. system, and construction of three (3) monitoring wells.