Project Location:
Tallahassee, Florida
Construction Completed:
Project Elements:
George and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Inc. provided design, permitting and project management services for the Kerry Forrest Parkway Extension. The extension featured bike lanes, sidewalks, and a roundabout. Design Elements included: the design of the traffic circle, permitting through the City of Tallahassee Growth Management, and development of cost estimates, as well as project management and coordination with the City of Tallahassee – Public Works.
G&A included design for the extension of the City’s existing twelve-inch water main. The construction plans included 5,280 lineal feet of watermain, valve & hydrant locations, and an interconnection with the existing ten-inch watermain located within the right-of-way of Ox Bottom Road. G&A coordinated and attended design and quality control meetings with Ms. Donna Nichols with the City’s Water Utility Department.