Project Location:
Monticello, Florida
Construction Completed:
Project Elements:
G&A’s responsibility as the Prime Consultant consisted of working with the City of Monticello on the rehabilitation of the entire city-wide sewer system.
Phase 1 consisted of CCTV, Smoke Testing, Flow Monitoring of existing sanitary sewer and man-hole rehabilitation. A review of the data from the CCTV, Smoke Testing, and Flow Monitoring was completed and evaluated by our office to provide recommendations for the appropriate sewer rehabilitation.
Phase 2 was the design, permitting and construction administration of the CDBG portions of approximately 11,400 LF of existing sanitary sewer. Rehabilitation components included Cured In Place Pipe (C.I.P.P.) lining, lining of laterals, reconstruction of laterals, cleanouts, repairing structural deficiencies, rehabilitating manholes, installation of new manholes, and pipe bursting.
Phase 3 was the design, permitting and construction administration of the SRF portions of approximately 40,000 LF of existing sanitary sewer. The rehabilitation occurred throughout the City of Monticello, and was divided into four zones/quadrants. Rehabilitation components included Cured-In-Place Pipe (C.I.P.P.) lining, lining of laterals, reconstruction of laterals, cleanouts, repairing structural deficiencies, rehabilitating manholes, installation of new manholes, and pipe bursting.