Project Location:
City of Quincy, Florida
Construction Completed:
Project Elements:
George & Associates provided design, bidding and construction administration services for the Steward Street Box Culvert Bridge Replacement in Quincy, Florida. The Tanyard Branch watershed consists of about 600 acres of downtown Quincy, including areas with a long history of localized flooding and bank erosion problems. Stormwater drainage problems due to increased development and inadequate conveyance systems resulted in frequent street flooding and in some instances, structural damage to homes along the floodplain. A 12’ x 6’ box culvert was selected to replace the existing collapsed 12′ x 5.5′ arch corrugated metal culvert under Stewart Street. The new box culvert (12’ x 6’) was constructed in line with the Tanyard Branch Creek channel, without restricting the flow path and assuring smooth flow. G&A performed a hydraulic analysis during the design phase to confirm that the box culvert would be adequate to carry the discharge in the area of Stewart Street and Tanyard Branch.