SR 95 (US 29) Superelevation Correction and Milling & Resurfacing
Project Location:
Escambia County, Florida
2024 (est.)
Project Elements:
G&A provided civil design services for improvements to five travel lanes along 1.14 miles of SR 95 in Escambia County. These improvements include milling & resurfacing, drainage improvements, asphalt overbuild, and complete roadway reconstruction with major cross-slope correction at one horizontal curve location in Escambia County. G&A acquired right-of-way for 12 parcels for this project.
This project will address the deficiencies associated with a horizontal roadway curve and bringing it up to current design standards, which will ultimately reduce actual and potential vehicular turnovers.
Additional improvements include: milling and resurfacing, ADA improvements, curb and gutter, drainage upgrades, signing and pavement markings, signalization loop replacement, and driveway modifications.