Project Location:
Chipley, Florida
Construction Completed:
Project Elements:
George & Associates was a member of the A/E design team that completed construction documents for the new Kate Smith Elementary (KSE) School in Chipley, FL. We were tasked with developing solutions to all of the Civil related design elements, including all of the environmental permitting through local, state and federal levels. This project, not unlike others we’ve completed, offered several challenges with respect to wetland impacts accepted by the authorities having jurisdiction. The owner, with G&A’s consultation, elected to offset the impacts to the wetlands by purchasing mitigation credits from one of the two mitigation banks that serve that particular geographic area. This site also contained areas that had existing Conservation Easements attached to environmentally sensitive areas and G&A managed to design and successfully permit a roadway through a similar wetland, due to our knowledge of the state and federal avoidance, minimization and mitigation policy.