Project Location:
Tallahassee, Florida
Construction Completed:
Project Elements:
G&A was tasked to provide a dual phased solution for this project in order for the owner to begin as quickly as possible. We were able to permit the project in only 3 months from site planning to environmental permitting. The site had an existing SWMF which was in compliance with City and State Guidelines. Special attention was utilized in order to minimize earthwork and keep the existing SWMF in service during construction. G&A utilized calculations to retrofit the existing SWMF in order to accommodate the new impervious area from the project. New design and construction practices were utilized by designing Vertical Volume Recovery Systems (Sand Filters) which resulted in cost savings to the owner. The SWMF was expanded as part of Phase 2 for the project. G&A created an intricate design for the grading of the topography in order to save numerous large caliper Live Oaks on this site.