Project Location:
Jasper, Florida
Project Elements:
G&A provided civil engineering services to the Hamilton County School Board in the form of site layout, stormwater management design and permitting, utility support systems design and permitting, utilization of existing utility systems, testing and inspecting utility and stormwater conveyance systems, and developing construction documents. During the Site Planning phase of the new school, G&A provided engineering solutions for the creation of new stormwater facilities that not only served the proposed school, but also enhanced the existing stormwater facility for the existing school. This was completed by grading the proposed site to allow the location of the proposed ponds to be in close proximity to the existing pond. This design concept allowed the hydraulic interconnection of the ponds, which ultimately provided a means to recover the pond’s cumulative volume at a faster rate by increasing the surface area.
This project was constructed adjacent to the existing high school, which was completed in 2004. G&A provided civil engineering services for this high school project as well.