Short St Stormwater Outfall & Utility Improvements
Project Location:
Tallahassee, Florida
Project Elements:
G&A provided civil engineering services to the City of Tallahassee for the Short St Stormwater Outfall & Utility Improvement Project. This project consisted of the design and replacement of over 4500 lf of stormwater, water, sewer, and gas utility infrastructure, for the City of Tallahassee, while creating minimal disruptions and inconveniences for the residents.
In 2013, the City determined through video inspections that the existing drainage network serving the Short Street closed basin had reached the end of its service life, and in the summer of 2016, the City retained George & Associates to prepare construction documents for several critical repairs and revisions to the drainage network. These included: construction of a new stormwater outfall from Short Street to Lucy Street, replacement of existing storm drains, construction of storm-drain inlets and regrading of roadside ditches, water main replacement, sewer main replacement, and roadway reconstruction/resurfacing of Short Street. Although Short Street is only 0.4 miles long from Tennessee St. to Lucy St, the total improvements added up to more than twice its length.
G&A completed design documents for the stormwater outfall in 2018 that also included the additional improvements to existing water and sewer systems, and total roadway restoration. Construction began in April 2019 and was completed on schedule, in October 2019